Meet the "Real" Characters

The Brothers — Spencer and Justin (age 10 and 7)


The “real” Spencer that influenced the book character is 25 years old. Like his book character, he loves hockey. After high school, he played for three years in the United States Premier Hockey League, and played in college.
Like the book character, Spencer more introverted and a deep thinker. He is also fascinated with space.
When he’s not on the ice, going to school, working, or at the gym, he loves his alone time. He has learned how to manage his focus issues and ADHD.
Spencer was a huge supporter of his mother writing a book series based on stories she told him when he was young.


The “real” Justin is 21 years old and a junior in college.
Like his character, he’s athletic and loves soccer. He’s played competitively since he was young, including in college.
Justin is outgoing and funny. He’s always quick with a joke. He’s an extrovert, has a lot of friends, and enjoys being around people. He plans to major in business in college and go into sales or marketing. He’ll run his own business someday.
Like his book character, Justin struggles with dyslexia and hates to read. (He also has ADHD.)
But reading issues haven’t held him back. He’s extremely quick and creative. He sees things from a different perspective and can easily come up with ideas and solutions to problems.
He PLANS to read the Under the Couch series … but prefers to wait for the audio version or maybe even the TV series!
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